Chevrotine - Aux Armes!

Posted on Thursday, September 30, 2010

Why does the phrase “Nazi band from France” sound so wrong on so many levels? Maybe its because the words “Nazi” and “France” go together like “cheeseburger” and “India” or “christian” and “Black Metal.” That being said, it if fairly obvious what kind of band Chevrotine (“Buckshot” in English) is. Their style is fairly accessible, coming off as a cross between Skrewdriver and the kind of New Wave of Swedish Heavy Metal that Hammerfall or Nocturnal Rites deliver. There is just enough Punk Rawk/Oi! in their style to give it a catchy hook and memorable riffs but enough Metal to give it some punch. Their lyrics don’t really dwell too much on the White Supremacy stuff but it is clear that the guys in this band love their country and hate foreigners. All of the lyrics are sung in French but there are English translations (sometimes badly translated but you get the gist of what they’re trying to say) in the inlay. The one major problem is their choice of languages. I don’t dispute the fact that singing in your native language is easier, and if you are a French nationalist, singing in French seems logical. However, the French lyrics just sound strange when sung in a Hardcore/Punk style. This often clashes with the music and adds a jarring quality where you can actually detect where the musical flow is interrupted. This is a band that takes a little getting used to and for the most part, this is above average. The lyrical flow is the only major flaw on this CD and if these guys can work that problem out Chevrotine will be one of the better bands in a genre that is usually content to rehash either Burzum or Skrewdriver rather than try something different.

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