Centaurus-A - Side Effects Expected

Posted on Wednesday, September 29, 2010

These German Tech Death aficionados may know how to do otherworldly things with their instruments, but they definitely need tracklist order lessons. A small quip, but the first three tracks on Side Effects Expected are pure filler. Fast, punishing and brutal filler, but not much more than endurance tests and showing off the chops. The next few tracks show improvement in structure, but it isn’t until tracks eight (“Dripping Red Canvas”) and nine (“Selfmade Cage”) that Centaurus-A really show you they can make a memorable song. These two cuts bend, hook and pummel in a way the others do not while sacrificing none of the flair. But by then, the record is nearly over having only just recently hit you as hard as it can. So in summary, Centaurus-A can really cook, but their debut is too many appetizers and not enough main course.

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