Brutal Truth - End Time

Posted on Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I will always hold a special place in my heart for Brutal Truth. I think it’s safe to say that the band’s early material was America’s best answer to Napalm Death. The dynamic duo of Kill Trend Suicide (1996) and Sounds of the Animal Kingdom (1997) were also constant stereo fixtures for a huge part of my late teens high school mischief. Watching them and Coalesce tear it up at the Fireside Bowl around that era remains one of the highest ranking happy moments in a truly insignificant life. I was more than bummed when they threw in the towel a couple years later, and more than psyched to hear they were getting back together a few years ago. But ever since the reformation, something just isn’t quite right. It’s like they were buried in that pet cemetery for seven years. (Voice of Fred Gwynne): they came back, but they came back different. I don’t know when, how, or why Brutal Truth turned into the new Dillinger Escape Plan, but it has unfortunately occurred. Nowhere in this hour-long mess is there anything even remotely resembling a good song. Just high-speed, incoherent, spastic, frenzied instrument abuse. For all I know the guitars may not even be tuned. And since when can they not write a song longer than 8 seconds? I’ve had longer orgasms than some of these songs! I mean, I can fart longer than this. Plus my farts are actually memorable and way more brutal sounding. Maybe if each band member didn’t have 46 side projects to deal with, they could focus better? Just a suggestion. I miss quality Brutal Truth in my life and it saddens me that they’ve become some kind of jumbled Math-Grind circus sideshow. The band now are a lot like the X-Games. Sure I’m impressed by the death-defying skill level, but I’m still going to change the channel to find something that is actually entertaining.

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