Bloodhag - Necrotic Bibliophilia
Here we have a good example of a band reaching a little too deep for a theme. Hoping to become the Macabre of the librarian circuit, Seattle’s Bloodhag have devoted 100% of their subject matter to their favorite authors. So much so that they actually name their songs after the literary figures, with the lyrical content for the tracks being information about that particular writer and/or critique of their works. A bit puzzled? Yes, I think you’re supposed to be. Look, I love a good book as much as anyone, and it’s good to know that Metalheads can still read, but it just comes off as odd, and honestly, flat-out lame. Maybe if they’d put more into making the music innovative and unique I could get into it more, but this is pretty middle-of-the-road Death/Grind with a touch of Thrash, and it doesn’t quite get the blood flowing. I appreciate and sympathize with an extreme band trying to say something other than the same old same-old, but that understanding doesn’t make this any less annoying. I wish Bloodhag all the best of luck in their quest to globalize Dewey Decimal Core, but I think I’ll make the bold move and avoid the bandwagon.
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