Blood Stands Still -  Salvation Through Struggle

Posted on Friday, September 10, 2010

Look, basically all of these Old School Hardcore bands in the vein of Hatebreed, Terror, and First Blood musically sound identical to one another. It’s not a bad thing and I think even the bands themselves would tell you the same. That said, the pick of the litter are generally chosen based on their lyrics, vocals, and stage presence. The latter in this case I can’t vouch for, but I can tell you that vocalist Mark Williams, albeit very average, is passable. That only leaves the lyrics, which unfortunately for this So-Cal quartet, are a fucking joke. Positivity to the point of nausea! Every passage is like an inspirational Sly Stallone line lifted straight from a Rocky or Rambo script. Sorry, guys. My life sucks and I’m looking for lyricists who will back me up on this.

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