Avenger - Godless
After spinning this disc a few times, it’s hard to shake the fact that this Czech band really likes old Morbid Angel. The whole album just reeks of Altars of Madness and Blessed Are the Sick era Morbid Angel, much in the same way as Belphegor (Austria) or Sadistic Intent. The influence is not only clear but actually calls attention to itself. There are a few moments where Avenger breaks away from the worship of the old Florida Death Metal sound and creates some dark, atmospheric shit that sounds sick as fuck. Overall, this is well played, solid in production and packaging, but at the same time really doesn’t show how good this band can be when they hit on an original idea. Having heard this band’s previous releases, I was hoping that they would really push the atmospheric envelope a bit further. There are hints that they may incorporate the atmospheric stuff some more, which gives me yet another reason to pick up their next album.
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