Anaal Nathrakh - Passion

Posted on Monday, May 30, 2011

I’ll admit, besides hearing the occasional song, I haven’t really gotten into this U.K. band despite their existence for over a decade and a lot of acclaim. Without bias I started listening to Passion, but didn’t finish it during the first spin. They certainly play fast, chaotic Black Metal, but the clean vocals mixed in with the Grindcore styled screams wasn’t cutting it for me. However, like a diligent writer, I wanted to answer the haunting question: “Why is this band so well regarded?” After delving into as much of their discography as I could find, my opinion was formed… The Codex Necro! Anaal Nathrakh’s first album is damn impressive and not a mix of vocal styles. Since then I’ve finished listening to Passion completely a few times and am not impressed with two exceptions: “Tod Huetet Uebel” (vocals totally done in the style of Rainer Landfermann, from Bethlehem’s legendary Dictius Te Necare), and “Ashes Screaming Silence,” which is the heaviest, slowest and most memorable song on the album (minus the clean vocals of course).

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