1349 - Liberation

Posted on Sunday, March 07, 2010

When I saw that Frost (of Satyricon fame) was the drummer for this band, I knew right away that this wasn’t going to be one of those heavy-on-the-atmosphere Doom influenced kind of albums. Frost generally has one speed: fast. Actually, I take that back. He has two speeds: fast and super fast. Aside from a few moments, Liberation blasts away at speeds that you would think only a drum machine could sustain for any length of time. Honestly, this shit makes old Immortal (Pure Holocaust era or so) look slow. The Mayhem cover they do is probably done at double the speed of the original. If you like that “faster than the speed of light” style Black Metal, this is definitely something that you’ll want to look up because 1349 may, in fact, be the fastest fucking band on the planet at this point.

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