Death - The Sound of Perseverance

Posted on Sunday, October 17, 2010

I’ll give Chuck credit for coming up with an LP that retains the aggressiveness of the older Death material but shows some progression at the same time. Some of the song structures are kind of strange, but I think this album’s grown on me after a couple listens. I still miss Gene “the human tornado” on the drums, but I guess he’s too busy with Strapping Young Lad to hang with Chuck this time around. The Sound of Perseverance is technical, that’s for sure, but it follows the same vein as Symbolic in that it has that memorable aspect as well. For all you Priest freaks out there, Death were even cool enough to cover “Painkiller.” Chuck doesn’t have the piercing wail of Halford, but Hell, how many guys in Death Metal ever have that kind of range?

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Dead Infection - The Greatest Shits

Posted on Saturday, October 16, 2010

After a weird chanted intro, the Grindfest starts. Dead Infection blast their way through covers of Regurgitate, Extreme Noise Terror, Agathocles, General Surgery, Ulcerous Phlegm, Napalm Death, Carcass, and the Bee Gees (sort of…), as well as treat us to a couple really different tracks of their own that were clearly meant to fuck with anyone trying to take this too seriously. Dead Infection prove once again that they are a force to be reckoned with. Needless to say, this is essential.

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Dawn (Sweden) - Slaughtersun (Crown of the Triarchy)

Posted on Saturday, October 16, 2010

These blasphemers play fairly straightforward fast, “majestic” Black Metal, but are helped by their mastery of their instruments. Plus there’s just something about them that I like.

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Darklands - A Memory of You

Posted on Friday, October 15, 2010

As you can see [from looking at the review of Darklands’ self-titled release, which was printed right above this one in Metal Curse #12 -Editor], I’m a little more tolerant of the vocals than Jack is, and the title track was one of the ones I liked the most from their self-titled album. And one of the other two songs on here is pretty good. Maybe after hearing them so much in preparing for these reviews, I’ve gotten a bit more used to Barthold’s vocals, or maybe he’s getting better -although I like the track from ‘95 (“Verkorpern”) the best, so maybe he’s getting worse…

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Darklands - Darklands

Posted on Friday, October 15, 2010

We start out with piano. So many bands start out with piano nowadays it’s kind of difficult to predict what’s next. Song two brings us some slow groovy Doom that isn’t bad, but can’t save the songs from the horribly cheesy vocals. The nicest thing I can say about them is that they are a Danzig rip off that falls somewhere between truly pathetic and hideously lame. I get the same irritable feeling I got when I heard Life of Agony try to cover The Breakfast Club theme song. With a strong Death Metal voice, this might have stood a chance. Why do people who can’t sing try?

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Darken - Darken

Posted on Friday, October 15, 2010

This melodic, technical Black Metal is all the more impressive considering that Darken is a two-man band, with one guy playing all the instruments. It’s really a shame that there are only three songs on this (although they’re long - this EP clocks in at about 23 minutes), because I’d like to hear more.

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Damien Thorne - Former Life

Posted on Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The name of this demo pretty much sums up the style of Glam Metal that these complete fucking jokes play. The vocalist sounds like he is trying out for a Motley Crue cover band. I really should have been able to tell that this was gonna be bad by A.) Cheesy Butt Rock band name, B.) Complete absence of dignity or originality with desperate song titles like “Enter the Nightmare” and “Exit Jekyll, Enter Hyde,” and C.) The band’s photo. The drummer has the gayest white trash haircut I’ve ever seen in my life. I bet you all these guys wear huge white high-top basketball shoes with the tongues sticking out over their pants which are 3 sizes too tight. Call me anything you want, this clown should be beaten down and shaven. C’mon you dorks, the early ’80s are long gone. Let’s learn from our mistakes, okay?

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Dalmerot’s Kingdom - Ha’mistorin Ha’nitzchi

Posted on Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Formerly known as Adversary, this Israeli band plays an interesting style of Black Metal that combines elements of faster raw bands, with more melodic, majestic keyboards. The results are pretty impressive.

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Dahmer - Promo 1998

Posted on Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Very energetic and well played Thrash.

[Metal Curse #11 had an additional loose page (“Last Second Additions”) inserted into the centerfold of the zine, featuring a bunch of even-shorter-than-usual “bonus” reviews of stuff that arrived after the deadline for that issue. This is one of those “Last Second Additions” reviews.]

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