Dissolving of Prodigy - Echoes of My Sadness

Posted on Friday, November 05, 2010

The long intro sounds like a horror movie soundtrack, which is, I suspect, exactly what they wanted. Beyond that, there is some very interesting Doom. The arrangements are somewhat complex, and the drumming can be excellent at times. The haunting voices are sometimes replaced with Deathly growls. Very heavy and atmospheric. Each time I listen to this, I like it more.

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Dissect - Swallow Swouming Mass

Posted on Friday, November 05, 2010

This is more straight-ahead Death Metal than I was expecting from it being on Cyber, but after a few listens, I detected the subtleties I’d missed the first time around. This needs a couple listens, but one notices a little more each time. That’s always a good idea.

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Dismember - Indecent and Obscene

Posted on Wednesday, November 03, 2010

This album will finally put away all Entombed comparisons. There is no contest anymore: Dismember has won. Although not always up to the intensity of the Pieces EP, this shows a larger range of styles - all still very much Death Metal, just not all the same. Stunning. Favorite songs: “Reborn in Blasphemy” and “Dreaming in Red.”

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Dismember - Pieces

Posted on Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Hmm, this EP is different than the import [European] version. It doesn’t have the cool crucifixion scene on the back cover, but it does have an additional track, “Torn Apart.” If that song sounds familiar, it is. Remember Carnage? One of these five tracks (+ intro), “Soon to be Dead” is from Dismember’s debut LP, and is still my favorite. The rest, especially “Pieces” and “I Wish You Hell,” totally fucking kill. And it’s only about seven bucks for the disc. Cool tunes. Cool cover (but what happened to the back cover?). Cool price. By the way, these freaks are brutal Swedish Death Metal, in case you were born dead (lucky you!) and didn’t know.

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Disincarnate - Dreams of the Carrion Kind

Posted on Wednesday, November 03, 2010

As all his old bands wondered what they were going to do without him, James Murphy sat at the foot of Mephistopheles’ iron throne and the two plotted to unleash world Death domination upon the masses in the shape of Disincarnate. Evil, majestic, a classic of elaborate Death Metal, akin to post-Altars Morbid Angel, but even more complex. Some geeks bitch that Murphy just dumps his excess guitar spew here, but his precise runs fit the tunes much better than the tired old tremolo dives. How could he ditch this for Te$tament?

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Disgust (United Kingdom) - Brutality of War

Posted on Wednesday, November 03, 2010

I guess a Punk/Death Metal crossover [aka Crust!] is fully underway, and this band is certainly part of it. This has all the energy, speed, and structure of Punk, but with Deathlike vocals. Although a terribly short album (just under a half-hour), in all other ways, this is excellent.

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Disembowelment - Transcendence Into the Peripheral

Posted on Saturday, October 30, 2010

From slow, Doomy, Ambient passages to Blast spasms: This lone album encompasses nearly the entire spectrum of Death. At least musically. The lyrics are always great, which is not the case with all extreme music. Anyone reading this would almost have to like this album, I know I do.

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Disciples of Power - Invincible Enemy

Posted on Saturday, October 30, 2010

This is heavier and better written than any previous release from this band. Also more experimental, and maybe more memorable, too. Very nice job, guys.

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Disciples of Power - Advance Demo 1993

Posted on Saturday, October 30, 2010

Yeah, I know I’m behind with this review. It’s not the only one. Anyway, these guys are heavier than ever, and have decided that no song under 5 minutes and fifty seconds shall sully this demo. The longest of the four, “Lords of Creation,” clocks in at 8:10, and is never anything less than enthralling. This needs repeated listens to really get all of what is going on.

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