Children of Bodom - Hate Crew Deathroll

Posted on Thursday, September 30, 2010

Take 1/2 total, complete In Flames rip-off, 1/2 nu-millennium Megadeth-style Cock n’ Hole, mix that with unintelligent lyrics, and then tell me what the fuck is the big deal here. Garbage!

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Chevrotine - Aux Armes!

Posted on Thursday, September 30, 2010

Why does the phrase “Nazi band from France” sound so wrong on so many levels? Maybe its because the words “Nazi” and “France” go together like “cheeseburger” and “India” or “christian” and “Black Metal.” That being said, it if fairly obvious what kind of band Chevrotine (“Buckshot” in English) is. Their style is fairly accessible, coming off as a cross between Skrewdriver and the kind of New Wave of Swedish Heavy Metal that Hammerfall or Nocturnal Rites deliver. There is just enough Punk Rawk/Oi! in their style to give it a catchy hook and memorable riffs but enough Metal to give it some punch. Their lyrics don’t really dwell too much on the White Supremacy stuff but it is clear that the guys in this band love their country and hate foreigners. All of the lyrics are sung in French but there are English translations (sometimes badly translated but you get the gist of what they’re trying to say) in the inlay. The one major problem is their choice of languages. I don’t dispute the fact that singing in your native language is easier, and if you are a French nationalist, singing in French seems logical. However, the French lyrics just sound strange when sung in a Hardcore/Punk style. This often clashes with the music and adds a jarring quality where you can actually detect where the musical flow is interrupted. This is a band that takes a little getting used to and for the most part, this is above average. The lyrical flow is the only major flaw on this CD and if these guys can work that problem out Chevrotine will be one of the better bands in a genre that is usually content to rehash either Burzum or Skrewdriver rather than try something different.

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Cerebral Turbulency - Germ of Error

Posted on Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Blistering, hyper-speed Grindcore which will appease fans of everything from old Napalm Death and Agathocles to Groinchurn or Rotten Sound. Granted if you’re a longtime Grind patron, other than a few insane timing quirks and melodic oddities, there’s not much here you haven’t heard before, but it’s creative, fast, brutal, and in-your-fucking-face, and you either crave this stuff or you don’t. These Czech bedlamites cook up as fine a dish as anyone. Bon appetit.

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Cerebral Effusion - Violence in Motion

Posted on Wednesday, September 29, 2010

This is a decent offering of brutal, guttural Death Metal. It does tend to become a little boring, and nothing new is brought to the table, which is understandable. It doesn’t have to be groundbreaking to rule, but I just don’t see this standing any test of time, whether it’s ten years or ten minutes. They could eventually become great, but for now, the bar is raised a little too high.

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Celestial Sorrow - Despair Within Me

Posted on Monday, September 27, 2010

It’s just plain wrong when a band uses a good Doom name but do not play Doom. It’s downright misleading. Especially when the band in question is just another of countless groups doing the Gothenberg thing. Granted, I assume this quintet is from Finland because each band member’s name ends in -en and contains 12 “k”s and 20 “i”s. Their melodies and musicianship do show potential, but there is nothing strong enough to work its way into my pleasure center yet.

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Catasexual Urge Motivation - Nekronicle

Posted on Sunday, September 26, 2010

Not quite sure how essential this release this. About 95% of these songs have already seen the light of day on previous CUM releases, many of which can be found on 2000’s The Encyclopedia of Serial Killers and various comps, EPs, or splits, and what little unreleased stuff there is isn’t much to write home about. Some of them are alternate versions, but do you really care? I don’t. I’m not saying I don’t like these Japanese Gore-Grind freaks. Their bowel-rotting assault would be up the alley of any gore hound, especially recommended for fans of Mortician, Gut, or even Squash Bowels. I just don’t see the necessity for a “greatest hits” from such an obscure, short-lived act.

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Castigador - Demo 2003

Posted on Sunday, September 26, 2010

Running out of band names are we? Not much in the way of musical ideas either. A Maiden-minded approach to symphonic Black Metal with a production beyond faint is rarely what the doctor ordered. Often bordering on cheesy, this 3-song CDR doesn’t have a ton going for it. A few moments of respectability, but for the most part a feeble attempt.

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Camarosmith - Camarosmith

Posted on Friday, September 24, 2010

At its best, this band sounds like a half-assed composite of Soundgarden and Black Sabbath cover bands, which I can at least slightly tolerate. At its worst, I think that it likely causes brain damage in most mammals.

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Calmsite - Steelpit

Posted on Friday, September 24, 2010

Three-song CD/demo of Finnish Death/Rock. Some riffs remind me of Crematory or mid-era Paradise Lost, while much of the material has a Godless Beauty-era Cemetary vibe. one might not think the mixing of Death/Doom music with traditional Rock drumming would work, but with Death grunts intact, it actually does. The distorted hillbilly vocals on “Asskin” have got to go, though.

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