Acheron - Rites of the Black Mass

Posted on Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Satanic Death Metal. Adequate recording and production. The heavy, Doomish, riffs are a little more simplistic than need be, but I like it. Raw, yet understandable vox add to an already cool thing. I’d like to hear these Satano-freaks with a decent budget, ‘cause my only real problem with this album is that is sounds like a demo - a quality demo, but still a demo. Don’t let that stop you, though.

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Accidental Suicide - Deceased

Posted on Wednesday, March 10, 2010

There are only so many ways to say “guts” before I fall asleep. The music is good, and sure, the lyrics are gory as shit, but a little substance wouldn’t hurt. This isn’t even scary or really disgusting, just sorta silly. Almost cartoon-like. At least Cannibal Corpse’s lyrics would just about make you puke. I guess I’m being hard on Accidental Suicide, but honestly they have the talent for this to be better.

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Abolisher - The Unity of Opposites

Posted on Monday, March 08, 2010

A spicy Death/Thrash ass-whipping Chicago-style. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Abolisher is the best band out of the Chicago Metal scene since the mighty Avernus. This 4 song demo is extremely memorable and well-played. These guys don’t bullshit around, and they’re even better on stage. If there were any justice in this fucking world, they would be signed immediately to a well-paying label & have their penises bronzed by large-breasted groupies. Best song: “Existence Cursed.”

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Paradise Lost - Gothic

Posted on Monday, October 22, 2012

There aren’t too many bands you can describe with one word. Gothic. That says it all for Paradise Lost. This album reminds me a lot of the Celtic Frost classic Into the Pandemonium, but in no way is Gothic a copy album. Paradise Lost is a very unusual band with a lot of odd, yet interesting, ideas. This LP is a big change from their debut, Lost Paradise, but I feel that Paradise Lost has given this meek world a very new sounding and interesting album to indulge ourselves in.

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Unleashed - Where No Life Dwells

Posted on Thursday, May 24, 2012

Unleashed hails from what seems to be the haven of Death Metal: Sweden. They feature the ex-bass player of Nihilist (now Entombed, for the uneducated), Johnny Hedlund. And they sound nothing like Entombed! Having been pretty familiar with their demos (The Utter Dark and …Revenge), I must say that I wasn’t even ready for this. This album just annihilates everything they’ve done before! The production is 100% better for one thing (no, it wasn’t recorded at Sunlight, either). Now Johnny is doing all the vocals, which is cool. I will say Where No Life Dwells isn’t quite the masterpiece, like Left Hand Path, but it’s pretty damn close. For a debut LP, it definitely pulls its weight and more. It’s everything you want in a Death Metal album: brutal, evil, and heavy as fuck! My favorite tracks are: “Before the Creation of Time,” “Into Glory Ride,” and “The Dark One” (far superior to the demo version).

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Morgue (Illinois - USA) - Random Decay

Posted on Sunday, April 15, 2012

This tape contains the two song Random Decay demo as well as a rehearsal. Both recordings feature the song “Coroner’s Report.” The other two songs are “Random Decay” and “Repulsive Death.” The recording quality is not the best and everything is a bit distorted, but the feeling comes through. This is Death Metal and if you can look beyond the production faults, it’s damn good. The vocals are heavy -real heavy- the music is a little hard to distinguish, but trust me, it’s heavy too. Lyrically is where these guys really grab me: the lyrics are brutal, but not Satanic or even, necessarily, pro-violence or whatever. The only flaw here is that Morgue had a very limited budget to record this on. I have seen this band live a couple of times and I was very impressed. If they could get that sound recorded…

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Morbid Angel - Blessed Are the Sick

Posted on Sunday, April 15, 2012

This LP, Morbid Angel’s second for Earache, starts off with the Industrial sounding “Intro,” but quickly regains their well known sound. The lyrics are extremely Satanic, to say the least. Musically this album is somewhat of a departure. There are really strange organ and flute parts, as well as the expected extremely brutal Deathgrind. This makes for a really interesting combination. Also they re-record two songs written before they signed with Earache: “Thy Kingdom Come” and “Abominations.” All things considered, Blessed Are the Sick is very impressive and breaks new ground for Death Metal in general. This album is recommended.

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Meat Shits / Butt Auger - split 7-inch

Posted on Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Butt Auger manage to out do the legendary Meat Shits and pack 54 tracks on their side of this 7-inch, as opposed to the Shits’ meager offering of 49. As you’d imagine, this is total Grind/Noise meltdown. Favorite song titles: Butt Auger’s “Cacodemon Up My Ass,” and the Meat Shits’ “Lying Fucking Bitch (Time to Die).”

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Massacre - From Beyond

Posted on Saturday, July 09, 2011

Okay, in case you don’t know, this band reunites Terry Butler, Bill Andrews, Rick Rozz and Kam Lee. All of whom have been members of Death. And furthermore, it is, so far, the best LP of ‘91, to say the least. And, yes, I have heard Morbid Angel’s Blessed Are the Sick. The only thing holding this back from a ten rating is my fear that somehow their next LP will somehow be even better. The songs are powerful, fast, heavy, memorable, occasionally slow, brutal, and extremely well executed. Kam’s vocals are, in a word, perfect. He is the best Death Metal singer of all time. This even includes the classic song “Corpsegrinder.” From Beyond is mandatory.

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