Fudge Tunnel - The Complicated Futility of Ignorance

Posted on Saturday, April 30, 2011

I’m not really too moved by this album. Sure, it’s semi-heavy, and all that, but it leaves me flat. Sometimes the lads muster up a little energy, or do something pretty cool, but for the most part, I’ll pass.

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Fudge Tunnel - In a Word

Posted on Saturday, April 30, 2011

This compilation of various bits and pieces is perhaps their best release to date. Clearly, their earlier stuff was the best. I hope they listen to this themselves and try to recapture whatever they had back then that made Earache, or anyone else, ever give a damn about them.

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Foul Stench - Original Recipe

Posted on Saturday, April 30, 2011

These guys specialize in writing extremely catchy songs. So catchy in fact, that the title track to their first demo (Jiz Mark) still haunts my brain after about two years since I first heard it. None of these six songs are quite that memorable, but they’re pretty damn close, and they’re way heavier - a strange combination of Thrash and Death Metal, with more obvious Celtic Frost influences. The lyrics are still goofy, but I appreciate goofy lyrics.

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Foreskin 500 - Manpussy

Posted on Sunday, April 03, 2011

Mildly distorted vocals + “loud” guitars + record scratches = Foreskin 500 = total and complete shit. Why do bands like this get signed?

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Foeticide - Life and Death

Posted on Sunday, April 03, 2011

Foeticide wisely trade in a little brutality to make the songs catchy, but are still very much in the circle of Death. They also experiment a little, and vary their speed a lot. The production is a bit raw, which is too bad, since the songs are great, but I’m sure it was the best sound they could get. I hope American Line (or whoever) can afford a better studio for Foeticide next time, since they deserve it.

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Flowerland - Flowerland

Posted on Sunday, April 03, 2011

These guys are like a jumpier, funkier, thicker Alice in Chains, and believe it or not, their singer is just as bad.

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Flesh - Flesh

Posted on Saturday, April 02, 2011

Any band with song titles like “Dancehard,” “Who Can Love You,” “I Miss My Baby,” “Makin’ Money,” and “Sexxx,” obviously has got to fuckin’ suck. I think the singer is the sister of the guitarist from Extreme, or whatever. It was even worse that I thought it would be. Good for a laugh, though.

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Fifty Lashes - Harder

Posted on Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Originally, I had planned on saying some bad things about Eric’s vocals, but as I listen to this, over and over, I am finding the good outweighs the bad. Musically this band is really there, but Eric’s old-school vocal stylings (pre-Thrash singy “yells”) are a bit hard to get used to, and sometimes really mess it up. But his great bass playing makes up for it. More yelling, less singing, would make this band great.

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Fear of God - Toxic Voodoo

Posted on Monday, March 07, 2011

I shit when I heard this. Back from the grave with a new line up, this is heavier, and fuckin’ meaner than Beyond the Veil, but still as weird. And Dawn’s vocals are better than ever (if you can imagine them being better). In case you don’t know, she goes from to a raspy Thrash voice to a ripped-out-throat shriek. Often with another track of hypnotic, smooth vox in the background -she’s simply amazing. Although there is less multi-tracking of the vocals here, it is still present, and I still like it. I wonder what she sounds like live. Not a bad track on here, not even a bad second. This is unbelievable.

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