Demortur - Oblation

Posted on Sunday, October 24, 2010

Fairly standard Death Metal, with interesting, although kinda screechy, vocals. Lots of good parts and excellent recording and production, but nothing too out of the ordinary.

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Demonomacy - Chaos Incarnated

Posted on Saturday, October 23, 2010

Not exactly groundbreaking, but extremely fucking intense. Also great production. This actually reminds me somewhat of Deicide’s first album, at least in terms of music and brutality, but I like Dana’s voice better: It’s raw, but not very deep, and has quite an original sound. These girls could kick your ass, Beavis.

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Demolition Hammer - Epidemic of Violence

Posted on Wednesday, October 20, 2010

This is the second release from these brutal Trash freaks. Lots of double bass and fast guitar riffs grace this album. All nine songs are on the Death edge of Thrash, and this is aided by the raw, screechy vox. Most songs are also very memorable, especially the final track, “Aborticide.” This is what Thrash was meant to be. A definite must.

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Demolition - When the Tomb Beckons…

Posted on Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Raw Death/Grind. Pretty memorable songs, and decent production. Sick vocals. This is great, and these guys also appear on the Heralds of Oblivion compilation CD.

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Demented Ted - Despair

Posted on Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Following Sindrome’s lead, these guys went all the way to Morrisound to record. There are about a billion excellent studios a lot closer to Chicago. This is certainly their best effort so far, but some more original riffs wouldn’t hurt. The sound quality is excellent, but this is pretty predictable.

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Deicide - Legion

Posted on Monday, October 18, 2010

I was really hoping that Legion wasn’t going to be just a watered-down version of their debut, but in some respects it is. It’s not too inferior, though, and this time the bass is even audible (and it sounds unbelievably fucking brutal). Florida’s “Father of the Year,” Glen Benton, has certainly improved in the bass department, but his lyrics and vocals have deteriorated. Only three songs: “Satan Spawn, the Caco-Daemon” (about Glen’s son, Daemon), “Dead but Dreaming,” and “Revocate the Agitator” are up to the standard set by Deicide. Maybe they should have waited longer. At least two songs are clearly filler, and this is on an album which is only 29 minutes long. Deicide are still tops in my book, but if they don’t watch their asses, they might get dethroned soon.

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Decrepit (Indiana & Illinois - USA) - Cannibalistic Feast

Posted on Monday, October 18, 2010

Faster and with better recording than their first [self-titled] demo. Also better vocals. Still very brutal Death Metal, and still good, in fact in all ways better than their debut. All they really need is a decent studio and a budget.

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Decrepit (Indiana & Illinois - USA) - Decrepit

Posted on Monday, October 18, 2010

Very competent Death Metal. The level is a bit low, but that’s no big deal. Nothing new is really done here, but what they do, they do very well. All fans of things brutal will dig this.

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Decollation - Cursed Lands

Posted on Monday, October 18, 2010

My advance tape only has four songs, so I’m not sure what the rest of the album sounds like, but these songs are pretty good. For the most part, the music is fast, and these are some Black Metal elements to be found, such as eerie keyboards. The vocals are a little weak, but not too bad.

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