The Fallen - The Fallen

Posted on Monday, March 07, 2011

I can guarantee that you’ll never find a better way to spend a buck than on this four-song demo. The Fallen plays intense Death Metal, with a hint of Black Metal, and this demo is very well written and recorded. Vocally things are also a mix with raspy screams. I do have a question or two about the lyrics, but with no lyric sheet, I’ll give ‘em the benefit of the doubt based on how nearly flawless the music is. Considering the price -which is actually free, but the band asks that you try to send $1 to cover postage, which is the fucking least you could do, really- this is as essential as things get. But I’ll wait on perfection until I can consult the lyrics.

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Fall of the Leafe - Evanescent, Everfading

Posted on Monday, March 07, 2011

Okay, this band combines speed-picked Black Metal, and maybe some Doom, with occasionally “mystical” sounding keyboards. It’s pretty cool sounding, and flawlessly recorded, but seems to be missing something necessary for true greatness.

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Fairlight - Le Bal des Eternels

Posted on Monday, March 07, 2011

“Hey, guys! Let’s form a Death Metal Band and make lots of money!” “Wow! That sounds great! Let’s do it!” This is what I imagine the conversation went like when Fairlight first formed, except it would have been in French, because they’re from France. And apparently, when you’re in France and you form a Death Metal band, you have to steal all your riffs from Mercyful Fate, Rush, or Cradle of Filth. Plus, you need to add cheezy keyboard parts to all the songs to get the Black Metal audience interested. Finally, if you do come up with some good riffs for any of your songs, you have to endlessly repeat them enough times to make people sick of hearing them. Good thing France is Socialist, because these guys can hopefully go to the government and get some help.

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Face Down - The Twisted Rule the Wicked

Posted on Monday, March 07, 2011

This is a weird release. The music is very “modern Metal.” Maybe not totally unlike Strapping Young Lad. The singer sometimes sounds like Rob Zombie, or distorts his vocals, neither of which I approve of. Despite all that, I don’t hate it. The songs are very catchy, and generally pretty fast. The lyrics help, too. But what really saves this is the opening sample: “We came to wreck everything. And ruin your life. God sent us.” It’s hard to overcome something that cool.

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Extol - Burial

Posted on Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Why do x-tians always have to stick their self-righteous, holier-than-thou asses in every one else’s faces and try to steal their ideas, incorporating their own morals and sickening methods of mind control into something they can sell at the time? Hey everybody, smell my shit, god loves it! They took Punk, Ska, Hardcore, Thrash, Death Metal, and now this group of hypocritical mindless bastards is trying to steal Black Metal, a style of music created in opposition to their beliefs! Even if this Norwegian group were good, and they’re not, I wouldn’t give this religious propaganda a ball’s hair of a chance. I cannot tolerate such total thoughtless idiocy! What’s next, a Jewish Nazi Reich? A black chapter of the KKK? How about a restaurant where they don’t serve food?

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Exmortem - Dejected in Obscurity

Posted on Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Extremely ass kicking Death Metal, with a few Black Metal touches.

[Metal Curse #11 had an additional loose page (“Last Second Additions”) inserted into the centerfold of the zine, featuring a bunch of even-shorter-than-usual “bonus” reviews of stuff that arrived after the deadline for that issue. This is one of those “Last Second Additions” reviews.]

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Excelsis - Kurt of Koppigen

Posted on Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Okay, I’ve got to be honest. I’m just not a big fan of concept records. Since two perfect concept albums exist, Rush’s 2112 and King Diamond’s Abigail, I figure what is the damn point? However, I’ve got to admit that this Swiss act really impressed the shit out of me with this release. Featuring 11 songs that tell a pseudo-medieval story, it is executed brilliantly. The music is a stylistic hybrid of classic Metal interwoven with majestic harmonies played in a Baroque fashion. An added bonus is that this is easily one of the most intricate, yet tasteful, CD booklet layouts I’ve ever seen. Oh, and the band actually smiles in their band photo. Imagine that! If you can appreciate a band that is not afraid to avoid the current trends, check these guys out.

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Evoken - Embrace the Emptiness

Posted on Wednesday, March 02, 2011

They almost lost me by the end of the intro, but then the crushing “Tragedy Eternal” started up, and I knew I was in for a Death/Doom masterpiece. My friends, this is how it should be done. Diabolically heavy, expertly played, and at well over an hour long, not a second (other than the last 1:45 or so of the rather lengthy intro) that does not fully command your attention.

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Evoke - Dreaming the Reality

Posted on Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Brutal Death Metal just the way you like it. Fairly memorable songs and excellent sound give this a little edge.

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